Student Affairs

Created in 1996, Crue’s Sectorial Commission for Student Affairs oversees the promotion and coordination of activities and proposals related to the student sphere among universities.

Its purpose is to compile and disseminate information at the university level on matters affecting students and to promote joint actions in the areas of their academic orientation, social and welfare services, information and professional guidance, grants and scholarships, employability, student associations and representation, cultural and sporting activities, as well as the formulation of proposals and general recommendations to the authorities and institutions with competences in these areas of action.

Work Groups

1. Scholarships and grants
2. Sports, Culture and University Life
3. Diversity and Inclusion
4. Employment
5. Student Orientation
6. Mobility, organization and student participation

Comité ejecutivo

Prof. María Antonia Peña, Rector of the Universidad de Huelva
Ing. Mª Teresa Lozano Mellado, Secretary General
Executive Secretary
Prof. Ángela Alcalá Arellano, Universidad de Zaragoza
Crue Spanish Universities
Sara Revilla Romero, coordination of the Comission
- Prof. José Antonio Naranjo Rodríguez, Universidad de Granada

- Prof. Alfonso López Muñiz, Universidad de Oviedo

- Prof. Fernando Tapia Alberdi, Universidad del País Vasco

- Prof. Isabel Vázquez Navarro, Universitat de València
Representative for International Issues
Prof. Fernando Tapia, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / Universidad del País Vasco

Work Group Coordination

Scholarships and grants
Prof. Rosa Mª de la Fuente Fernández, Universidad Complutense Madrid
Sports, Culture and University Life
Prof. Sergio Amat, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Diversity and Inclusion
Prof. María Isabel Ramírez Álvarez, Universidad de Almería
Pro. Alicia Rubio Bañón, Universidad de Murcia
Student Orientation
Prof. Ana Isabel García Pérez, Universidad de León​
Mobility, organization and student participation
Prof. María José Lombardía Cortiña, Universidade da Coruña