University Cooperation Observatory for Development

The Observatorio de la Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo (OCUD) was created at the initiative of the University Development Cooperation Working Group (CUD) of Crue’s Specialised Network for Internationalisation and Cooperation. It is created as a result of an agreement signed in July 2007 between Crue Spanish Universities, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Secretary of State for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (SECI).

One of the objectives of the OCUD is to be the point of reference for Development Cooperation in universities in Spain and to become a central node in the network of development cooperation structures of all Spanish universities. Thus, the aim is to help exchange and share experiences between universities, to facilitate exchange with the different public administrations instruments to support the OCUD, and to make visible the work that universities carry out in terms of Cooperation, their potential and resources.

For more information, please visit the Project website here